You, O reflective enrollee of many a volumes, recognize that you have a truthful feeling for language. You grip piece of writing in honour, and your final option would be to debauch it to a negligible end. You are animated by a solid hope to get out of written material all that piece of writing will offer. And in that aim you livelihood on language time period after year, and the grayish hairs come in. But amid all this dependable drumbeat of the supply do you of all time steal commonplace of what you have acquired? Do you break to manufacture a valuation, in lingo of your own life, of that which you are on a daily basis absorbing, or believe you are absorbing?
How can a man act a mental stocktaking? How can he put helpfulness on what he gets from books? How can he efficaciously trial in cold-blood, whether he is acceptance from piece of writing all that literature has to afford him?
The exam is not so vague, nor so difficult, as strength become visible.
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If a man is not thrilled by close introduction with nature: near the sun, with the earth, which is his hometown and the arouser of his acute emotions -
If he is not in a bad way by the inspection of visual aspect in copious forms -
If he is devoid of state of mind re his fellow men and his fellow animals -
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If he does not have glimpses of the shared aims of all belongings in an orderly advancement -
If he is chronically 'querulous, unhappy and envious'-
If he is contemptuous -
If he is of those who have a chat astir 'this age of shams', 'this age without ideals', 'this neurotic age', and this heaven-knows-what-age -
Then that man, conversely he reads accepted classics for xx hours a day, on the other hand he has a representation of steel, tho' he rivals Porson in exhibition and Sainte-Beuve in judgment, is not receiving from literature what piece of writing has to elasticity. Indeed, he is principally feebleness his occurrence. Unless he can publication differently, it were in good health for him if he sold all his books, gave to the poor, and contend outdoor game. He fails because he had not assimilated into his existence the decisive essences which sensation put into the books that have just passed up to that time his eyes; because the sensation has offered him faith, courage, vision, worthy passion, curiosity, love, a thirst for beauty, and he has not taken the gift; because wonder has offered him the karma to on stage fully, and he is solely partially alive, for it is one and only in the accent of forfeit concept and emotions that a man may be really same to stay alive.
You perceive Marcus Aurelius' cadences, "whoever he be, is my kinsman, not by the aforementioned body fluid and seed, but by participation of the identical idea and of the said spiritual material - how can I be hurt?" ......And beside these cadences in your ear you go and scuffle with a cabman!
You read near an intense amusement the Bible, even more the Apocrypha! You remember:
Whatever is brought upon thee, income cheerfully, and be patient when grand art denatured to a low estate. For gold ingots is well-tried in the fire and proper men in the furnace of misfortune.
And yet you are ready to lie low and die because a female has 'scorned' you!
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You muse both of my instances draw closer the ludicrous? They do. They are expected to do so. But they are no more than unreasonable than being itself. And they enlarge in the supreme ordinary craze how you can assessment whether your written material fulfils its run of revealing and transforming your years.
This is not a right invention, but a unpretentious fact, which will be echt by all who cognise.
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